“Homeopathy for Fever: Natural Remedies for Quick Relief & Better Immunity”

Homeopathy for Fever: Natural Remedies for Quick Relief & Better Immunity”    

Homeopathy for Fever: A Natural and Safe Approach


Fever is the body’s way of fighting off infections.

Traditional treatments often involve medications like paracetamol or ibuprofen, which only lower the temperature without addressing the root cause.

Homeopathy targets the underlying issue by boosting the body’s immunity. It offers a safe, non-invasive, and long-lasting solution.

In this article, we will cover:

Symptoms and causes of feverB

enefits of homeopathic treatment

– Different types of fever and appropriate homeopathic remedies

– Guidelines for managing fever

What is Fever and Why Does It Happen?

Fever (pyrexia) is an elevation in body temperature, often due to infections, inflammation, or other health issues.

Normal temperature ranges:

Normal: 97 °F – 99 °F (36.1 °C – 37.2 °C)

– Mild fever: 99 °F – 101 °F (37.2 °C – 38.3 °C)

– Moderate fever: 101 °F – 103 °F (38.3 °C – 39.4 °C)

– High fever: 103 °F – 105 °F (39.4 °C – 40.5 °C)

– Severe fever: over 105 °F (40.5 °C) – requires immediate medical attention!

Why Choose Homeopathy for Fever

– Addresses the root cause: not just reduces fever but also helps prevent infections

– Natural and safe: suitable for children, pregnant women, and the elderly

– Personalized treatment: remedies are chosen based on individual symptoms

– No side effects: free from harmful chemicals.

10 Homeopathic Remedies for Fever

Aconitum napellus – sudden fever with anxiety


– Rapid onset of high fever

– Fever follows exposure to cold air

– Patient feels anxious and restless

– Increased thirst

CHILL passes through him in waves.

• Chill or coldness alternating with heat.

• HIGH FEVER; dry burning heat; in eyelids, nose, mouth, throat, lungs and palms, must uncover.

• Sweat drenching, wants to uncover.

• Sweat on uncovered parts or affected parts.

When to use? For sudden fever that comes with chills.

Belladonna – high fever with a flushed face


– Red face and hot body

– Sensitivity to light and headache

– No sweating, bright eyes

Stay calm, your eyes are clear.

High fever with comparative absence of toxaemia.

• Internal coldness, with external pungent, burning, steaming heat.

• Hot Head, with cold limbs.

• Skin hot; but moist and dry alternately. No thirst with fever.

Pain when you touch the body.

When to use? For acute inflammatory fever.

Bryonia alba – fever with dryness and body aches.


Fever starts slowly.

Body aches worsen.

Dry mouth, intense thirst.

Desire for solitude.

Chill with hot head and red face; agg. warm room.

• Dry burning heat; with agg. of all the symptoms.

• Blood seems hot.

• Painful continued fevers.

• Sweat; sour or oily.

When to use? For pneumonia, flu, or viral fever.

Gelsemium – fever with weakness and sleepiness.


Severe weakness with fever.

Headache, eye pain.

Feeling cold.

Loss of appetite.

Chill with aching and languor; mixed with heat or alternating with heat; chill up and down back.

• Cold hands and feet.

– Heat – with drowsiness.

• THIRST ABSENT; with trembling.

• Cold sweat.

• Bilious remittent; malarial; typhoid; cerebro-spinal fevers.

– Measles.

When to use? For viral fever and fatigue.

Eupatorium Perfoliatum – fever with bone pain.


Body pain like a broken bone.

High fever with chills.

Desire for cold water.

Heavy sweating after fever.

When to use? For fever like dengue and malaria.


• Thirst or nausea, then violent shaking chill; begins in the small of the back.

– Bitter vomiting after chill or during heat.

• Burning heat.

• Sweat; relieves all the symptoms except the headache.

• Sweat scanty.

Rhus Toxicodendron – fever with joint pain.


Less body pain.


Starts cold, then hot.

Cold air worsens fever.


• Easily chilled agg. least uncovering; with pain in limbs.

• Chill as if dashed with cold water or cold water in the veins; preceded by cough; alternating with heat.

• Chill in single parts.

• Heat, with busy delirium.

• Typhoid.

• Sweat; agg. during and pain; with sleepiness.

• Urticaria during fever.

• Wants to yawn and stretch during chill.

When to use? For fever during rainy weather.

Arsenicum album – fever with vomiting and diarrhea.


Diarrhea and fever.

Extreme weakness and tiredness.

Fear of death and anxiety.

Constant thirst for water.


• Externally COLD, with internal burning heat.

• COLDNESS; in spots.

• Sensitive to cold, yet amel. in open air.

• Chills irregular, shaking; craves hot drinks during chill; dyspnoea during chill.

• Heat as of hot water in veins; or they burn like lines of fire.

• High fever, hectic fever.

• Sweat, with great thirst, dyspnoea or exhaustion.

• Sweat cold.

• Waves of icy coldness in blood vessels or intense boiling heat.

• Intermittent fever, yellow fever.

When to use? For food poisoning or viral infection.

Ferrum Phosphoricum – common fever and fatigue.


Mild fever and tiredness.

Slight rise in body temperature.

Feeling unwell without clear symptoms.

When to use? In the early stages of fever.

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